Remember TUAZ? XD
_   __   ___         2/26/2008   10:56 PM

Blue Ashes
Posts: 24
(5/29/04 3:28 pm)

wow! Gen [the avy freak] is here! hehe...okay..

hello everyone! :D i'm in bacolod right now but since Sig is playing RO and all the other people are playing games and all and i kind of got turned off coz sig's brothers cheat, then I'd just post here. gyahaha. oh well. :hat

im really REALLY bored.

I honestly cannot believe that this forum is still alive!!!


-=High Council=-

Posts: 5078
(7/14/03 9:19 pm)

Re: The board is getting deserted...=(
Sorry guys, my fault too since I myself havent been on much. I will resurrect this after aug. Please bear with me... (cant net much until entrance exams for college are over)

Thanks all for still posting in this board.. I'm really greatful..*bows*

All of a sudden I remember chibi and chop sticx and syun and Eternal Wing Zero and Lancernight (aka. LK) and Lecimme and kenshin 007 and Infalna and of course, who can forget Ur Quan Korh Ah~ XD (I'm not sure if I spelled the name right XD)


*falls off chair!*

2 shades of white

the product of procrastination
_   __   ___         2/25/2008   8:37 PM

So, for the first time in quite some time, I have a few loose days in school. :) Nothing much I've been doing, usually just staring at the tube, gobbling up anything edible that crosses my path...These past few days, the only thing I've done that's productive is check on my mail, hoping there'd be an email from our adviser with some feedback regarding our lousy first draft.

I think it's more of the outlook than any actual reduction in academic load that has made my past few days "loose." I guess, after our first, very draining thesis draft, everything else is pretty much manageable.

I've been surfing for schools lately. Over the Christmas break, my uncle gave me this list of top 200 universities in the world (sidenote: not a trace of UP). Naturally, I got curious and looked some of them up. I learned that even if I started applying right away, and if (big if) some of them accepted me, the earliest I can start with classes would be on September of 2009. Seems like a long long time from now. @_@

I think I'm going to have to go full throttle with my applying from now until then. I figured I'll use the shotgun strategy. I suppose, of the many schools from that list I'll be trying out for, at least some of them should find something in me, shouldn't they? And since UP didn't get to the top 200 in the world, I can be sure that the opportunity cost of choosing any of the schools on the list over UP is not as high. And in such a case as when I don't get accepted to any of the schools I applied for, (*cries*) there's always UP. XD

Oooh, go see Gen's blog. She has an adorable new layout~ <333

2 shades of white

A Statement
_   __   ___         2/17/2008   11:33 PM

Back in high school, when I was filling out my college application forms, Economics to me had the same ring to it as did Psychology, or Philosophy, or Biology. The only thing that had set it apart was that it did not end with an inevitable “-ogy”. But four years of being an undergraduate in the solace of the School of Economics has given me a more meaningful impression of this dismal science. And this impression of Economics has certainly made an impression on me.
In the course of completing my Bachelor of Science degree, I slowly came to appreciate Economics for its subtle beauty. I’ve come to admire the way it all comes together from the most fundamental principles; the way theory is in cadence with mathematics in a waltz that still makes sense; and the way the logic discussed inside the classroom can actually be witnessed unfolding in real life, and again and again in the course of history. In this field I have found a discipline I can both enjoy and further discover, which is why I have decided to pursue further studies in Economics.

(In short, please accept me for grad school, pretty please?)

2 shades of white

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